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5v5 Basketball

5v5 Basketball

Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday 8pm

5v5 Basketball, Coed and Mens Leagues, starting Tuesdays and Thursdays!

EQUIPMENT AND COURT: The Intramural Program will provide a game ball and penny (numbered jersey) for the participants to use and wear during the Intramural play. Team’s are encouraged to bring their own ball for pre- game warm ups. If both team captains agree a personal basketball may be used as the game ball. Games will be played in the Newman Gym

TEAM SIZE: Team consists of five to a side with a maximum of three from either gender for coed. Teams can start with no fewer than four players. There is no limit to the number of subs per team. Only two members of either Husson Men's/Women's Basketball permitted per team.


Two Men's Players per team

Two Women's Players per team

One Men's/One Women's Player per team

GAME TIME: Game time is 20 minutes. Two Ten Minute Halves with a 2 Minute Half-Time. Teams will be asked to grant their opponents a 10-minute grace period if needed. If the required number of players arrive within the grace period the game will be played and recorded as an official game. NO EXTENSIONS TO THE 10- MINUTE GRACE PERIOD WILL BE PERMITTED. The length of the game will be shortened according to the new start time and the team that was late will receive no more than a 4 for sportsmanship for that game.

1. Games will consist of 20-minutes with a “running clock” meaning the clock will remain running throughout the game. The only time the clock will stop is if:

A team calls for a time-out. Each team is allotted two total timeouts per game with no more than one a half. If a timeout is called during dead ball or after a made basket, the team gets the ball on the baseline. If a timeout is called after the ball is inbounded, it is awarded at half court.

The last minute of the game will be “stopped clock” meaning the clock will stop on fouls, out of bounds, injuries or at the officials discretion.

2. Overtime consists of one 3-minute period. If the score is tied after an overtime period subsequent overtimes will occur until a ream is declared victorious. One time out per overtime period. The last minute of the game will be “stopped clock.”

3. Bonus free throws

The offended player will be awarded 1+1 on the 7th team foul.

The offended player will be awarded two foul shots on the 10th team foul.

4. Technical Fouls

A technical Foul will count as a personal foul and team foul

Two technical fouls constitute automatic ejection from the game and the offending player must meet with the Intramural Sports Director to be re-instated in the league. A flagrant foul also counts as a technical foul.

All technical fouls will be two shots and possession of the ball at half court

The player assessed a technical foul must sit for at least five minutes on the bench before being reinstated into the game. The game will be forfeited in the opposing teams’ favor if that team does not have a minimum of four players remaining.

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